Thursday, January 12, 2012

(not so) Bad A** Brushborders

     So I'm part of this really cool thing... actually I'm part of a lot of really cool things in my life right now but one of the really cool things is my lunch group. There are five of us and we each have a day that we are assigned to cook a mouthwatering meal and bring it to share for lunch. (I'm Thursdays... but that's really irrelevant.) This is a genius thing really... I cook one time a week and yet everyday when I show up to school there is a lovingly prepared, delightfully delicious, and nutritionally sound meal waiting just for me (and four other people... but again... irrelevant). I love it... for so many more reasons than the unimaginably delectable food. It's like Christmas everyday when I walk into the lounge and discover what tasty treat has been left for me. I've been exposed to, and now have cravings for foods I thought people only talked about... and certainly would have never prepared myself... like brussel sprouts. It's also been a life saver as far as my routine goes. Now as am rushing out the door, running behind because I undoubtedly hit snooze one too many times (Fyi... three times is one too many. Twice is fine but three puts me over the edge... I know this... and yet I can't seem to stop it from happening. On really bad days I even leave the house NOT in heels... I don't even know who I am anymore.) I don't even have to spare a moment's thought on how I'm going to get through what is probably going to be a ridiculously long day without wasting away to nothing.
     The standards for admittance into our amazing, and now highly coveted (seriously... there is an unofficial waiting list) lunch group were simple, yet concrete. You had to have time to cook, be good at it, and not have any crazy dietary restrictions. That last one was the doozy that eliminated just about everyone. Amongst my classmates and the population of the greater Portland area really, you will be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn't subscribe to some alternative diet, whether it be vegan, vegetarian, dairy-free, gluten-free, don't eat tomatoes on Tuesdays... whatever... everyone has something. Nonetheless, we found our five, started calling ourselves the Bad A** Brushborders (No special diets... the brush borders of our intestines can handle anything... it's a med school thing?), and got to cooking.
     As the group was emailing back and forth before the term started, discussing logistics and whatnot it came up that "Tuesday" had been diagnosed with a condition that required her to go gluten-free. The choice then had to be made as to whether or not we should oust and replace her (standards are standards after all... and we do have a waiting list) or if we would accomodate and all start cooking gluten-free. Now I hope everyone is imagining a huddle being called, "Little Giants" style, where we bantered back and forth over whether to keep her or leave her while she nervously looked on from about 10 feet away... because that's pretty much what happened... except over email... this is 2012. The verdict? Keep her.
     So that's it. The Bad A** Brushborders are now gluten-free. If you read my last post or know anything about gluten you'll know that this is no small thing. Gluten is every-freaking-where.  Gluten is a protein found in wheat, spelt, rye, barley, triticale, burghul, and kamut. Gluten binds the dough in baking and prevents crumbling. It can be found in breads, cakes, pastries, cookies, biscuits, crackers, battered foods, cereals, snack foods, pastas and pizza. Because gluten is also used as a thickener and filler it is found in soups, gravies, sauces, processed meats, pickles, sweets, instant pudding and chocolate. Quick... think of your favorite food... yep... it has gluten. I think you're getting the picture... preparing a meal gluten-free takes some thought and effort... especially for the self-appointed treat-bringer (that's me). But that's ok. I think it's going to be awesome... and at the very least, an adventure.

     There are lots of reasons to go gluten-free and it's likely that at some point in my naturopathic career I will suggest this very thing to one of my patients. It's a huge lifestyle change and a huge committment, maybe this experience will teach me that pearl of wisdom needed for the moment when I advise my patient to go gluten-free and she looks at me like I just kicked her puppy... really, really hard... twice.
     Gluten-free diets have been shown to be beneficial to those suffering from thyroid disease, cystic fibrosis, multiple sclerosis, anemia, autism, and irritable bowel syndrome and many autoimmune disorders. Eliminating gluten from the diet can be of great benefit to those wishing to lose weight. By eliminating gluten from your diet, it is also possible to increase your energy levels, lower bad cholesterol levels and even assist the body`s digestive processes. Eliminating products from the diet that contain gluten, and you will instead consume more fresh, whole and organic foods. This in itself will be greatly beneficial to your overall health, as it means that your chances of consuming processed foods will be virtually eliminated. Another benefit of gluten-free is your sugar and fat intake is drastically reduced... which wouldn't hurt most New Year's resolutions I know.
     The professor for one of my favorite classes in college assigned the New York Times as daily reading. The habit has stuck with me... I even have the New York Times app on my phone. I definitely smiled out loud when I came across this piece... Should We All Go Gluten-Free?


  1. Please name the next meal you prepare for your group the "Annexation of Puerto Rico"....

  2. Devina Horvath - Golden Family MemberJanuary 22, 2012 at 4:55 PM

    So, do you have Fresh and Easy up there? They have a really great Gluten free section!
