Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hero's Journey

     According to folklorists and other narrative scholars, the hero's journey forms the basic template for all great stories. The hero begins in the ordinary world, and receives a call to enter an unknown world of strange powers and events. The hero who accepts the call to enter this strange world must face tasks and trials, either alone or with assistance. In the most intense versions of the narrative, the hero must survive a severe challenge, often with help. If the hero survives, she may achieve a great gift. The hero must then decide whether to return to the ordinary world with this gift. If the hero does decide to return, she often faces challenges on the return journey. If the hero returns successfully, the gift may be used to improve the world.

     I can relate.

     At this time last year I was living an ordinary life, working an ordinary job, I had no idea I was about to stumble upon something amazing, something that would change the course of my life forever. A simple google search and I uncovered the world of naturopathic medicine. I had received my calling and was about to leave everything I had ever known to embark on a great adventure. I know I will undoubtedly face hard tasks and difficult trials, physically, mentally, emotionally, academically and everything in between. In some respects I already have. I know I will be pushed to the edge, but I also know I'll make it back... perhaps a little beat up, but who doesn't love a good scar story right?

     I think that's the beauty of the hero's journey, somewhere along the way an incredible transformation takes place and it becomes impossible for the hero to return in the same state in which she left. I can already see my own transformation taking place; I see it in my thought processes, I see it in my actions, and I see it in my relationships.

     The idea of the hero returning from her journey with a gift that will improve the world appeals to my inner Miss America... "world peace" style. I recognize and appreciate the importance and the power of the medical education I am receiving right now and am beyond excited to share everything I learn with anyone who'll listen but I hope that specific knowledge will only be a small portion of my gift. I hope my journey gives me the experiences and the wisdom to always try a little harder to be a little better. I hope my gift is everything that I am.

     Does that make me a hero? ... Heck yeah it does.


  1. Love it. Can't wait to interview this hero on my show someday :)

  2. Desta, I think this is so awesome! I don't know if you'd ever be interested, but a friend's dad is a Naturopathologist (sp?) in the Seattle area and practices just from his home. It would just be one view of how to practice, but if you're interested in ever visiting with him, I'd be happy to see if he'd be willing. I also happen to know a nice family that lives there if you needed to stay for a weekend in the Seattle area... :)

    I'm excited to see where you go with this!! Way to change the world!

  3. Hi Desta ! Unc Barry here ! Explain to me naturopathologist ?

  4. The best hero's journey analysis is Kal Bashir's at http://www.clickok.co.uk/index4.html
