Friday, January 27, 2012

Life Lived

     For those who don't know, I love to read. Everything about settling into a comfy chair, book in hand, with or without hot chocolate screams, "This is going to be awesome." And I can really tell when I've been reading a lot because my thoughts become a mental narration of my life, Not completely unlike Will Ferrel's experience in the movie Stranger Than Fiction... She walked absent-mindedly to school and as she passed the well-maintained homes and meticulously landscaped lawns she found herself daydreaming of the lives being lived behind each door; how glamorous they must be in comparison to her barely-there make-up and currently water-logged running shoes ... You know, that type of thing.

     I've realized that blogging has also changed my mental though process. I often find myself viewing my world in snapshots and story snippets that would come together to create the perfect post. That being said, I've now found myself with a phone full of photos and a notepad app overflowing with digitally scribbled thoughts and ideas. However, contrary to popular belief, my life is probably not quite exciting enough to justify bombarding you with posts detailing my every fleeting thought. So I've come up with a compromise. I'm going to do a weekly installment that I am going to call "Life Lived." I'll include a photo and a corresponding thought... a glimpse into my life lived.

     So here we go...

This is my friend Jam... during biochemistry lecture. This moment pretty much sums up everything. As a side note, Jam is from Bali... How cool is that?

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