Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Portland Pictorial

        When last we left our heroine she was just getting into the swing of things as a naturopathic medical student and trying valiantly to figure out the hippie ways of Portland. Seeing as how it's been over a month since she's touched base, it is not unreasonable to to have concerns of scholastic defeat or worries that she has defected to a hippie commune where she now wears only tye-dye and spends her days braiding daisies to put in her hair. Neither scenario is too far removed from the realm of possibility...
        Not gonna lie... October was tough. In the last month I've taken more tests on more information than any reasonable person ever should. I don't think it would be unfair to characterize the month as a type of "baptism by fire" for my journey through medical school. That being said... I made it through... perhaps only slightly scathed.

        As a change of pace (for both me and you) I thought I might take you on a pictorial tour of Portland... where the mantra is "Keep Portland Weird"... and they mean it.  

Chanting Club... Yes it is EXACTLY what it sounds like. Yes it requires a skill level.

If you drink from a non-reusable container you will be shunned. Water bottles are fine... Jars are preferred. If you happen to be drinking tea from said jar then you are golden.

Told you.

 We have an entire room in the academic building dedicated to meditation, centering, focusing your qi, or any other style of keeping yourself grounded. You must take your shoes off before entering.

The local DHS office... where you can go to pick up your food stamps... conveniently located next door to a hemp store. Food stamps and pot... one stop shopping.

Don't even think about craving Cheetos and a Milky Way washed down by a Pepsi. However, if you have a hankering for gluten free-pumpkin seed oat cookies, apple slices or any type of tea imaginable... you're in luck.

Post-its and a lot of free time.

We are REALLY serious about decreasing our carbon footprint.

You have a PhD in biochemistry... You get to wear whatever the heck you want to class... I get it.


  1. Hahahahaha! This was hilarious! Thank you for showing me what I'm missing.

  2. Desta I love this!! Sounds like you are having all the fun! :) love you!
